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Frequently Asked

Helping You Navigate Common Inquiries

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Is Dubai a popular study destination for students coming from India?

A: Dubai offers a unique blend of cultural heritage, modern infrastructure, and educational opportunities. It is home to world-class museums, universities, and innovation hubs, making it an ideal destination for students seeking diverse learning experiences.

Below mentioned is the trend of number of students in last three years who have chosen Dubai as their study destination. (Source: KHDA Website)

Q: Will the students get a chance to visit international universities in UAE?

Yes, during their visit to UAE, students will get opportunity to be invited by some of the renowned international universities for a residential or a non-residential visit.

Q: What is offered to students in the educational tours?

A: Generation Alpha Education services provides organized trips for students to visit an international location for an experiential learning experience. Students will explore the cultural, historical, and educational attractions of the new city and get an opportunity to evaluate the possibility of the new country to be a study destination.

Q: What is the ideal duration for an education travel to Dubai?

A: The recommended duration for an effective education travel to Dubai is seven days, which includes the weekends for city tour.

This will give a correct balance of the range of activities and interaction with regional setups.  A shorter tour may be organised if requested for a given desired location.

Q: How does an ideal itinerary of Generation Alpha Education visits to Dubai looks like?

A: The Education tour offered by Generation Alpha will be an array of activities to support the students on their:

  • Cultural understanding of UAE.
  • Visit to majestic architectural development setups.
  • Opportunity to learn about the futuristic plans of the visionary leaders.
  • Option to interact with the industry experts and know-how of economic development plans.
  • Exposure to the adventurous activities, and
  • Interaction with academic experts on how UAE can be a launch pad for your global education.


Q: How safe is the education visit to Dubai?

A: Dubai is known for its strong focus on safety and security. The city maintains a safe environment for residents and tourists. However, it is always important to exercise caution, adhere to local regulations, and follow guidance from Generation Alpha staff, accompanying teachers, organizers, or local authorities to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.

It is advisable to have travel insurance and Generation Alpha will keep you updated on any travel advisories issued by your home country or by the UAE authorities.

Q: How much does a Generation Alpha Education visit to Dubai cost?

A: An education tour to Dubai is a very pocket-friendly project considering the week-long stay in a country which offers highest standard of quality life. We as a company work with quality tour operators to ensure the students to have a comfortable travel and stay experience in their memories. Since these service providers are associated with us through different projects from a long time, we get best possible rates for our students travel.

Q: Do students require a visa to visit Dubai?

A: Visa requirements for visiting Dubai vary depending on the nationality of the students and the duration of their stay. Some nationalities have visa-free entry or visa-on-arrival arrangements, while others may require tourist visa in advance. Our team will help you to connect with our trusted tour operators to address your individual requirement of visa.

Q: Can parents or guardians accompany students on education tours to Dubai?

A: The education tour is a classic way to route the students towards a structured path of independence required for higher education. It is recommended for parents to encourage students to travel on their own and inherit abilities of self-discipline while being with a known crowd of friends and school authorities.

Depending on the travel arrangements and the Memorandum of Understanding with the Schools and Universities, limited number of teachers will be encouraged to attend and to assist the students to gain the maximum benefit and to give further safety cover for the visits to international locations.

Q: What will the accommodation be like?

A: Students and accompanying teachers will be staying in well-known Hotel in the heart of Dubai. Students will typically be in twin rooms – 2 students to a room. These hotels are inspected by team Generation Alpha for Safety, cleanliness, quality, and comfort.

Q:  What food options are there?

A:  Dubai population has a predominance of people from Asian ethnicity. Our preferred hotels and restaurants offer a mix of Vegetarian, Vegan and Jain options.

Additionally, International Fast-Food Restaurants are very common plus restaurants that specialise in Arabic, Chinese, Thai cuisine for a blend of international taste.

Any allergy or dietary requirements are to be mentioned by parents at the time of enrolling the child for the tour.

Q: What do I need to bring to Dubai?

A:  A complete check list will be shared with all enrolled students much before the travel date.

Q: What if a student is ill on the trip?

A: All students must have Health Insurance, so any specific Health related issue will be referred to the excellent Dubai health system.

If a student has a minor medical ailment, then they may be allowed to remain in the hotel and miss the day or evening activity or sporting event so that they may rest and recover. They will remain under the local medical supervision along with one of their own teachers or a Generation Alpha staff, as necessary.

Any emergency case situation will be under professional paramedics and parents will be kept informed on developments.

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